Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Check it out!!!!!!!!

Guess what I got???????? Let me just say that I absolutely love my Rebel...but bless its heart...I think I have worn it out!!!! I would not even imagine how many pictures I have taken with that camera. I am still going to use it as a back up (one can never be without a back up) I also am going to let my daughter use it to begin her journey into dSLR cameras.

Ok on to my new baby!!!! I love it..I love how it responds to me an the clarity is astounding!!!! I have not really had a good chance to take it outside and play with it (Ohio weather). It is supposed to be half way decent this weekend so I think my daughter and I are going to take a trip and play with our cameras. I can't wait!!! BTW she is so much fun to hang out with!!!!

I also purchased the battery grip and let me say that this baby is never coming off my camera. I shoot a lot of vertical shots and this does not cause my wrist to wear out. It definitely takes a little to get used to but I love it all the same!!!!

Ok enough for now...I am patiently waiting for my UPS driver to bring me a new lens, book and filter!!!!

Until next time ♥